Coactive api allows you to interact will all aspects of the coactive platform and functionality.
- Package version: 0.1.24
Python >=3.6
Installation & Usage
pip install
Then import the package:
Install via Setuptools.
(orsudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ClassificationApi | classify_assets | POST /api/v0/classify/assets | Classify assets by embedding id |
ClassificationApi | classify_assets_custom_model | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/custom/{model_name} | Classify list of assets by embedding id and a custom model |
ClassificationApi | classify_assets_file | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/file | Classify assets by embedding id |
ClassificationApi | classify_assets_for_visual_safety | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/visual-safety | Classify a list of assets for visual safety |
ClassificationApi | classify_assets_for_visual_safety_file | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/visual-safety/file | Classify a list of assets for visual safety |
ClassificationApi | detect_text | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/text-detect | Detect if there is text in a list of assets. |
ClassificationApi | detect_text_file | POST /api/v0/classify/assets/text-detect/file | Detect if there is text in a list of assets. |
ConceptApi | create_concept | POST /api/v0/concepts | Create a new concept |
ConceptApi | delete_concept | DELETE /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id} | Delete concept by id |
ConceptApi | get_concept | GET /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id} | Get concept by id |
ConceptApi | get_concepts | GET /api/v0/concepts | Get paginated concepts |
ConceptApi | get_concepts_by_embedding | GET /api/v0/embeddings/{embedding_id}/concepts | Get concepts by embedding id |
ConceptApi | update_concept_by_id | PATCH /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id} | Update concept by id |
ConceptApi | validate_concept_name | POST /api/v0/concepts/validate-name | Validate concept name |
CredentialsApi | add_aws_credentials | POST /api/v0/credentials/aws | Add AWS credentials that can be used to fetch data from a cloud provider |
CredentialsApi | add_gcp_credentials | POST /api/v0/credentials/gcp | Add GCP credentials that can be used to fetch data from a cloud provider |
CredentialsApi | test_configuration | POST /api/v0/credentials/credentials/test | Test the role associated with the credentials is configured to access a data path |
DatasetApi | add_assets_to_dataset | POST /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/assets | Add assets to an existing dataset |
DatasetApi | create_dataset | POST /api/v0/datasets | Create a new dataset |
DatasetApi | delete_dataset | DELETE /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id} | Delete dataset by id |
DatasetApi | get_available_encoders | GET /api/v0/encoders | Get all available encoders |
DatasetApi | get_dataset | GET /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id} | Get dataset by id |
DatasetApi | get_dataset_images | GET /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/images | Get images by dataset id |
DatasetApi | get_dataset_videos | GET /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/videos | Get videos by dataset id |
DatasetApi | get_datasets | GET /api/v0/datasets | Get all datasets paginated |
DatasetApi | update_dataset | PATCH /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id} | Update dataset by id |
DatasetApi | update_metadata_for_assets | POST /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/assets_metadata | Update asset metadata in an existing dataset |
EmbeddingApi | get_embedding_by_id | GET /api/v0/embeddings/{embedding_id} | Get embedding by id |
EmbeddingApi | get_embeddings_by_dataset_id | GET /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/embeddings | Get embeddings by dataset id |
EmbeddingApi | get_encoder_for_embedding | GET /api/v0/embeddings/{embedding_id}/encoder | Get encoder for embedding |
EmbeddingApi | update_embedding_by_id | PATCH /api/v0/embeddings/{embedding_id} | Update embedding by id |
ImageApi | get_metadata_for_image | GET /api/v0/images/{coactive_image_id}/metadata | Get metadata for image |
ImageApi | get_metadata_for_images | GET /api/v0/images/metadata | Get metadata for images |
ImageApi | get_statuses_for_images | GET /api/v0/datasets/{dataset_id}/images/statuses | Get statuses for images |
LabelApi | get_concept_labels | GET /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id}/labels | Get labels for the concept |
LabelApi | get_label_candidates_for_concept | GET /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id}/candidates | Get candidates to label for the concept |
LabelApi | update_concept_labels | PATCH /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id}/labels | Update labels of a concept |
LabelApi | upload_concept_labels_from_csv | POST /api/v0/concepts/{concept_id}/labels/csv | Add labels to a concept from a CSV file |
QueryApi | delete_query_by_id | DELETE /api/v0/queries/{query_id} | Delete query by id |
QueryApi | execute_query | POST /api/v0/queries | Create and enqueue a SQL query |
QueryApi | get_queries | GET /api/v0/queries | Get paginated list of queries |
QueryApi | get_query_by_id | GET /api/v0/queries/{query_id} | Get query by id, including results |
QueryApi | get_query_results_csv | GET /api/v0/queries/{query_id}/csv | Get query results in CSV format |
QueryApi | get_query_results_csv_download_url | GET /api/v0/queries/{query_id}/csv/url | Get a url to download query results in CSV format |
QueryApi | stop_query_execution | POST /api/v0/queries/{query_id}/stop | Stop query execution |
SimilaritySearchApi | get_similar_images | POST /api/v0/similarity-search/embeddings/{embedding_id}/search | Get similar images |
SimilaritySearchApi | get_similar_images_grouped | POST /api/v0/similarity-search/embeddings/{embedding_id}/grouped-search | Get similar images grouped by the group by key |
SimilaritySearchApi | get_similar_images_grouped_semantic | POST /api/v0/similarity-search/embeddings/{embedding_id}/grouped-search/semantic | Get similar images grouped by the group by key and semantic notion of metadata |
SimilaritySearchApi | search_images_by_text_grouped | GET /api/v0/similarity-search/similarity-search/embeddings/{embedding_id}/grouped-search/text | Get similar images grouped by the group by key and semantic notion of the text query |
Documentation For Models
- AddAssetItem
- AddAssetsToDatasetRequest
- Asset
- AssetMetadata
- AssetResponse
- AssetType
- AudioSegment
- BasicDescription
- BodyAddAwsCredentials
- BodyAddGcpCredentials
- BodyClassifyAssetsCustomModel
- BodyClassifyAssetsFile
- BodyClassifyAssetsForVisualSafetyFile
- BodyDetectTextFile
- BodyGetSimilarImages
- BodyGetSimilarImagesGrouped
- BodyGetSimilarImagesGroupedSemantic
- BodyUploadConceptLabelsFromCsv
- CandidatesToLabelResponse
- Classification
- ClassificationEmbeddingVectorRequest
- ClassificationRequest
- ClassificationResponse
- ClassificationScore
- Column
- ColumnDataType
- ColumnDisplayType
- ColumnStyle
- ConceptLabelRequest
- ConceptListResponse
- ConceptResponse
- CreateConceptRequest
- CreateDatasetRequest
- Credentials
- CustomClassification
- CustomClassificationResponse
- CustomClassificationScore
- DatasetListResponse
- DatasetResponse
- DatasetStatusEnum
- EmbeddingListResponse
- EmbeddingResponse
- EncoderListResponse
- ErrorResponse
- FieldValidation
- FullConceptLabelResponse
- FullConceptResponse
- HTTPValidationError
- ImageStatusEnum
- KeyType
- KeyframeSamplingMethodEnum
- LabelEnum
- LocationInner
- MetadataForImagesResponse
- PagedAssetsResponse
- PagedConceptLabelsResponse
- PagedLinksResponse
- PagedMetaResponse
- PagedPageDetailsResponse
- PreviewImages
- QueryListResponse
- QueryRequest
- QueryResponse
- QueryResult
- QueryResultResponse
- QueryResultsDownloadUrlResponse
- QueryStatus
- QueryTableRow
- Shot
- SimilaritySearchItem
- SimilaritySearchResponse
- SortDirection
- SortItem
- StatusForImageResponse
- StatusesForImagesResponse
- StorageTypeEnum
- TestConfigurationRequest
- TestConfigurationResponse
- TextDetection
- TextDetectionRequest
- TextDetectionResponse
- TextDetectionScore
- UpdateAssetMetadataItem
- UpdateAssetMetadataRequest
- UpdateConceptLabelsRequest
- UpdateConceptRequest
- UpdateDatasetRequest
- UpdateEmbeddingRequest
- ValidateConceptNameRequest
- ValidateConceptNameResponse
- ValidationError
- VideoAsset
- VisualSafetyClassification
- VisualSafetyClassificationRequest
- VisualSafetyClassificationResponse
- VisualSafetyClassificationScore
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: Bearer authentication